Today we’re going to talk about the best skills for freelancing. Because it is no longer viewed as a “side hustle” or a way to supplement your income while unemployed. You may now work from the comfort of your own home and earn a full-time income!

Skills For freelancing

Because technology and accessible internet connection have made it simple to obtain online work, over 57 million workers in the United States have already made the leap to self-employment.

The number of self-employed professionals is only likely to rise, thanks to the potential of a better work-life balance, significantly higher compensation, and more job satisfaction. However, as appealing as freelancing may appear, you must first determine which career path is ideal for you and where to begin before quitting your day job.

Skills For freelancing

We combed through every available freelancing job to generate a list of the most in-demand skills, so you can start looking for your dream freelance job right now!

21 Best and In-demand Skills For freelancing

Skills For freelancing

1. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Programming

Skills For freelancing

Blockchain is a programming language for managing and storing cryptocurrency transaction information. It does, however, make each entry exceedingly resistant to external alteration, unlike other coding languages. This means that, while each online transaction is entirely transparent, no one who does not own the data may tamper with it.

Despite the fact that blockchain is still a relatively new cryptocurrency technology, it has quickly established itself as the most popular data management method. Companies (particularly in law, banking, and logistics) are expected to invest up to $15.9 billion in blockchain by 2023 due to its unbreakable transaction security.

Fortunately for freelancers, because blockchain is such a niche field, there aren’t enough experts with the necessary skills to code and maintain it. As a result, if you have the expertise to demonstrate, you’re likely to find several clients looking for a blockchain expert. This is the very first on our list of skills for freelancing.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

Here we’ve found an amazing course for you by Coursera. In this course, you’ll learn the blockchain and cryptocurrency from the basics. As its name suggests, It is a blockchain specialization course. This is a course offered by the University of Buffalo. Consider checking out this course. 70K+ Students have already enrolled.

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2. Amazon Web Services (AWS) Development

Skills For freelancing

AWS is the world’s largest cloud storage provider, with Netflix, Airbnb, Pinterest, and Slack among its customers. According to The Verge, if you blocked all of the stuff housed on AWS, you’d only be left with 60% of the internet. Unfortunately, the cloud storage system is vulnerable to hacks and system failures, and it appears that every time it goes down, nearly half of the internet goes down with it.

There are two pathways you can pursue as an AWS Architect. You’ll either work directly with Amazon to guarantee that systems are up and running as quickly as possible, or you’ll provide cloud management services to a variety of organizations that use Amazon’s online storage. Despite the high annual income, it’s doubtful that one company will hire you full-time, so focus on building a solid customer base and charging a set monthly cost.

Where to learn?

Skills For freelancing

What could have been better than learning a tool from their developer? Yes, this is true in this case. You’ll be learning aws development from their developers. Consider checking out this amazing course in order to get the core basic knowledge with the free certification as well!

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3. Mobile App Development

Skills For freelancing

The need for Android and iOS app developers is increasing all the time. According to App Annie’s 2019 report, app stores reported over 200 billion downloads in just one year, with users spending a total of $120 billion on applications and in-app purchases. It’s hardly surprising that businesses are focusing their efforts on promoting their services through mobile apps, given that people spend an average of nearly 3 hours every day on their phones.

This is a fantastic opportunity for mobile app developers to showcase their skills and abilities. Companies are always on the lookout for fresh freelancers to help them design, create and test their mobile and tablet apps. This demand isn’t going away anytime soon, therefore you’ll be able to make a career as a freelance mobile developer for as long as phones are a necessity in daily life.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

In this android development course by Coursera, you’ll be learning android development from scratch. This is offered by Vanderbilt university by top educators. The most interesting part is that financial aid is also available if you want to get a certificate as well. Consider checking out this course once.

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4. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development

Mobile Phone, Apps, Marketing, Concept, Heart, Money

You’re in luck if you’re interested in machine learning, how machines work, and how they interact with people. AI professions make up the bulk of the top emerging positions for 2020, according to LinkedIn data, with a third of organizations sharing AI growth ambitions.

Almost half of all businesses already employ some type of machine learning, but AI is still a relatively new idea that is anticipated to grow in popularity over time. Each algorithm and piece of code is built with a real-world problem in mind, as most AI is used to make daily life easier. It’s a vast field that necessitates each specialist’s knowledge of how to write algorithms, develop a workable voice or facial recognition software, and even build completely functional robots.

If you pursue AI as a freelance job, you will not only be able to work for high-end firms, but you will also be able to build your own scripts for home-automated devices like Alexa or Google Home. Isn’t it interesting?

Where to Learn?

This newly created resource is part of Google’s goal to increase public awareness of artificial intelligence. There is already a crash course on Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Google’s machine learning library). The thing which excites us the most is that it’s designed by Google. Check it out now.

5. Website Design

Website, Development, Setting, Tool, Screen, Software

According to a marketing organization, an expert marketing firm, nearly 90% of buyers will choose a competitor if a company’s e-commerce website is poorly built. Companies are aware of this and invest millions of dollars in their designs since, on average, each dollar invested in web design generates $100 in sales.

You’ll be responsible for researching design trends and developing engaging draughts utilizing creative software like Photoshop as a website designer. Because they frequently collaborate with front-end developers to construct each site, web designers are also proficient in website-oriented coding languages such as HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

Where to Learn?

Web designing Courses

This course is offered by Webflow. If you’ve ever worked in the web development industry, you’re probably aware of it. This is a popular CMS for creating websites. This free web design course is now being offered by their university.

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6. Website Development

Experts predict that by the end of 2020, there will be over 1 million empty vacancies in the United States alone due to a shortage of skilled web developers. Because of the high need for skilled web developers, both in-house and freelance, now is an excellent moment to learn how to program websites. In website development as well there are 3 fields where you can specialize: 

  • Front-end Development
  • Back-end Development
  • Full Stack development

Whatever path you take as a web developer, you’ll benefit from the high income and bonuses that companies frequently provide to freelancers. It’s one of the few freelance talents you can develop where businesses compete for your attention instead of the other way around. This implies you’ll have more job opportunities and be recognized for your projects and hard work.

Where to Learn?

Master the Basics of HTML5 & CSS3 is a hands-on online course that teaches participants how to develop in HTML5 and CSS3. With the help of this course, students will get a solid foundation in web programming. It is also a step-by-step manual that gives pupils a solid foundation in web-building skills.

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7. Data Analysis

Accountant, Counting, Calculation, Writing, Document

Data analytics is one of the fastest expanding job categories, but its rapid expansion has created a worker demand that can’t be met. According to the PricewaterhouseCoopers estimate, by the end of 2020, there will be 2.7 million open data analyst roles, but not enough qualified candidates to fill them.

Businesses will be forced to compete for each trained data analyst, increasing your prospects of gaining enough clients to support yourself as a self-employed expert.

You’ll be accumulating, organizing, and analyzing enormous amounts of data as a data analyst in order to provide meaningful reports for each organization. Each data analyst must pay close attention to the smallest details in order to detect growing patterns and potential system errors. In order to establish seamless data collecting systems, data analysts frequently collaborate with web developers.

Where to Learn?

This Data Science with Python curriculum will provide participants with a deep understanding of data analytics tools and processes. By getting started with Python, you can learn about data analysis, visualization, the NumPy and SciPy programming languages, web scraping, and natural language processing (NLP).

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8. Online Security and Ethical Hacking

Hacker, Computer, Programming, Hacking, Blue, Laptop

According to the 2019 Cybersecurity Market Report from Cybersecurity Ventures, increased online risks are causing businesses to boost their cybersecurity budgets, which are expected to reach $1 trillion by 2021. Despite the fact that it is still a relatively new trend, cybersecurity is swiftly becoming a top issue for the majority of businesses, resulting in more jobs and opportunities for online security specialists.

Cybersecurity experts work to safeguard sensitive information collected and stored by the majority of online businesses. They frequently collaborate with ethical hackers, who are hired to break into a company’s system and assess its security. They then write detailed reports outlining areas for improvement, which are given to security specialists, whose job it is to put the improvements in place.

Where to Learn?

We’ve found a special course for you in order to learn ethical hacking from scratch. This course will clear your fundamentals in computer hacking. This course is absolutely free by udemy. Check out this one to know more.

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9. Accounting and Bookkeeping

Money, Saving, Savings, Finance, Economy, Accounting

According to the Small Business Report, 60% of small business owners confess they don’t know how to handle their finances and don’t have the resources to hire a full-time financial expert.

This provides a market niche for freelance accountants and bookkeepers, who can typically offer their services at a lower cost. If you already have the accounting software needed to complete all of the chores, you’ll be even more appealing to potential clients.

You’ll be in charge of managing payroll, calculating taxes, keeping financial records, and generating annual reports and financial planning for the coming year as an accountant and bookkeeper. If your customer gets into difficulties, you may also have to deal with tax returns and fraud investigations. The job function will vary significantly depending on the needs of your client, however, these changes create a fun work environment where each day is different.

10. Writing

MacBook Pro near white open book

You don’t have to be an author to work as a freelance writer, contrary to popular opinion. 62 percent of firms use external expertise to create content for their blogs or virtual magazines, owing to the rapid growth of online media. This opens up a huge window of opportunity for those who can capture people’s attention with words.

As the freelance writing world is overpopulated at times, it’s best to decide and develop the knowledge to create informative and engaging pieces in one specific area. It can be tech, history, medicine, education, motherhood, and so on — there really is no limit. If there’s one specific topic you’re especially passionate about, you’ll have no problem turning it into profit as a freelance writer.

Where to learn?

Writing is also an art so we can’t actually mention a course for it. But, here we’re attaching a course about how you can start writing? If you’re interested in writing then must check out this course. This will help you to write with more dedication and focus.

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11. Virtual Assistant

Robot, Technology, Artificial, Intelligence

This is the easiest job in the best skills for freelancing list. Large and small businesses alike are continuously looking for methods to expand their operations while remaining cost-effective. Business owners hunt for freelance specialists online since hiring virtual assistants can cut operating costs by up to 78 percent. The fact that VAs have an apparently limitless skillset is the rationale for such large savings.

They are in charge of a variety of activities, including administrative labor and customer service, as well as marketing campaigns and website design. This means that instead of sourcing each function separately, companies can recruit only one person for many roles.

Where to Learn?

Learning about Virtual Assistants is not rocket science. Even, it’s considered the easiest freelance job out there. Check out this basic guide by udemy to know how to get started? This course will clear all your doubts regarding this. So, checking out this course can be a worthy decision of yours as an upcoming virtual assistant.

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12. Video editing

Skills For freelancing

If you don’t want to shoot videos but enjoy working with moving pictures, you should look into video editing. Because 93 percent of businesses noticed an increase in customers after publishing a video ad on social media, video editors are swiftly becoming one of the most in-demand occupations.

That’s why, in order to create sales, marketers are rebranding and focusing more on publishing short, informational commercials in video form. This is especially true for companies that use social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to market their products.

As a video editor, you’ll be given raw clips and videos that your clients expect to be combined in an interesting and appealing manner. The role comes with a lot of pressure because your final output must compel viewers to buy anything. To ensure optimum client pleasure, make sure your editing style complements each job (and increases the possibility of being hired again). This is the best way to earn and it’s our favorite as well in the best skills for freelancing list.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

Here, we’re attaching a free course by udemy to learn video editing for beginners, as its title suggests. You’ll be learning it from basics to advance. Over 30K+ students have already enrolled. Now, it’s your turn. Enroll Now!

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13. Graphic Design

Skills For freelancing

The graphic design industry offers a wide range of tasks to choose from. Freelance prospects have never been more visible, with 73 percent of businesses investing in website and social media design. You’ll be able to work on projects in marketing, web development, user experience design, and corporate communications, to mention a few, if you have the proper talents. This is one of those skills from our best skills for freelancing list which will be always in demand. 

Additionally, because they are constantly using their imagination, freelance graphic designers frequently report being happy. Design career options often push creatives out of their comfort zones and demand them to modify their methods and skills on a regular basis. This creates a lot of obstacles, excitement, and job satisfaction at the end of each project.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

This is an ultimate course by Lindsay Marsh on skillshare. You’ll learn a lot in this course. The instructor is herself a graphic designer serving brands through their services. You’ll learn each and every tool and technique you need to become a graphic designer.

14. Copywriting

Skills For freelancing

Copywriters have the ability to make a company distinctive through the use of catchy slogans and sales-generating material. Consider McDonald’s, which has “I’m lovin’ it” forever imprinted on everyone’s consciousness, or KFC’s “finger-lickin’ good.” A copywriter’s job is more than just coming up with a few words; they also produce entertaining emails, blog articles, and product descriptions that persuade customers to hit the ‘Buy’ button.

Copywriting is one of the few industries that is in great demand regardless of the health of the economy, according to statistics. As a freelance copywriter, this means that if you have the talents, you’ll be able to fast advance up the income ladder.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

You’re already be knowing, how popular HubSpot is in the digital marketing field? They’ve come up with this best and free course about content writing. They’ve specifically talked about content writing for businesses to generate sales. Check it out now!

15. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO marketing is a subset of digital marketing that entails freelancers ensuring that a client’s website appears on the first page of a Google search. Consumers are more likely to use Google to investigate services and goods before making a purchase, but the first five results receive 67 percent of all link clicks. Companies that do not rank high enough lose out on potential clients as a result. This is the most trending skill in our list of best skills for freelancing.

Despite the fact that a rising number of businesses are investing more money in their SEO rankings, the overall number of SEO specialists remains low. SEO will provide you with the correct opportunities if you want to avoid the harsh rivalry in digital and social media marketing while still enjoying the marketing industry.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

This SEO course is for beginners who have no prior knowledge of the industry. It starts by explaining how search engines work and then goes into more technical detail on topics like keywords in copywriting, page titles & Headings tags, etc which will help you better understand what’s happening behind the scenes when someone searches your website or social media pages!

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16. Social Media Marketing

Skills For freelancing

There are over 3.8 billion social media users in the globe, and every one of them is a potential consumer for any firm operating on the internet – but only if its products are correctly advertised. Businesses of all sizes must promote their services online in order to increase in popularity and money, and they do it by hiring professional social media marketers.

Because no two days are ever the same, social media marketing is an excellent solution for those who grow bored easily. As a social media marketer, you’ll create online campaigns with a specific demographic in mind. Each campaign will be unique based on what your clients require, therefore you’ll need to retain your inventiveness at its peak.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

Social media marketing is trending nowadays. And it’s also easy to learn. Check out this free udemy course. In this course, you’ll not gonna learn only about social media marketing. Also, you’ll be learning about picking up the clients. And that’s the most important factor.

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17. Videography

Skills For freelancing

Working as a videographer is much more fascinating than simply putting the correct camera in the right location, which is what many people think of when they think of videographers. Freelance videographers collaborate with businesses and individuals to capture their creative vision in video format.

The tasks range from filming short commercials and advertising clips to producing training videos and even documentaries. This range of projects is expected to increase demand for videographers, with experts expecting a 12% increase in industry growth through 2026. This can be your favorite from our best skills for freelancing list.

At the start of your videography career, you’ll need to build a large portfolio to help you land your first job. The initial assignments may be tiny and uninteresting, but as you gain experience, you may find yourself working with major TV stations, movie studios, and well-known organizations.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

As you know, skillshare is our favorite. The quality and content they provide are unmatchable. Here they have uploaded a course on videography or filmmaking. You’ll be starting from scratch and at the end of the course, you’ll be pro at videography.

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18. Photography 

People are more likely to recall visual visuals than text. This is especially evident on social media, where promotions with photographs instead of videos or links receive 352 percent more engagement. As a result, nearly 70% of businesses intend to enhance the use of photography in their promotions – and, as a result, hire more freelance photographers for their projects.

Aside from business photography, freelance photographers can also work on weddings, studio photoshoots, fashion projects, and other projects. It’s very useful for determining which location best suits you before advertising your services to potential clients. This will draw in the correct customers and entice them to return if they like your style.

Where to Learn?

Skills For freelancing

Here, we have got a photography course from shaw academy. In this course, you’ll be learning the basic and advanced both from scratch with globally recognized certification at no extra cost. From course to certificate everything is free in this course.

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19. Translation

Skills For freelancing

There are over 7,100 languages spoken around the world, and if you’re proficient in more than one of them, you’ll have a decent chance of being a great translator. Globalization continues to fuel the ever-increasing demand for language experts in businesses of all sizes.

Despite the growth of AI services, translating software is inherently inaccurate and prone to errors. This means that now, more than ever is the greatest moment to leave your corporate job and pursue a freelance translating career without sacrificing your wages.

20. User Testing

Skills For freelancing

Are you looking for part-time skills for freelancing? This can be one. You’ve probably come across a few poorly designed websites in your life, only to never return to them. According to a study, as many as 70% of online businesses fail due to an unappealing layout and a poor user experience.

As a result, user testers are an essential component of any company’s success. They got their compensation for locating existing problems and malfunctions and providing feedback on existing platform usability.

User testing isn’t just for tiny businesses; many online firms, including Twitter and Airbnb, value user experience feedback. This means you can find yourself testing out new features on many major platforms before they’re released to the general public!

21. Survey Taking

Skills For freelancing

Based on the responses received, online surveys assist firms in shaping their approach to clients and the market. However, data suggests that only 2% of frequent consumers are willing to participate in a survey, leading businesses to seek alternate options. Because of this market gap, third parties have been able to intervene and give people money in exchange for sharing their personal ideas.

Unfortunately, because of the poor income, freelancing survey takers see it as part-time employment rather than a full-time position. It’s ideal if you’re looking for a quick approach to boost your budget but don’t have a lot of free time. As a result, online surveys are highly appealing to students, stay-at-home moms, and retirees. Here the list ends of best skills for freelancing.


People always are in the search of getting quick rich scheme. But, that’s not practically possible. To become rich or start earning money then you have to learn a skill and have to master it. So, here we’re listing the top 21 skills for freelancing. Choose the one and start learning because we’ve also attached the courses along with the skills as well. Best of luck to you from team fzfact 🙂


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