Hello there, if you’re seeking the finest free Java courses to learn Java in 2022, online and by yourself, you’ve reached the right spot. I already published the greatest Java online courses and the top Spring Framework courses, and in this article, I’ll present my favorite free online courses from Udemy, Coursera, Codecademy, and Educative to study Java in 2022.

Free Courses to Learn Java

The Internet is brimming with useful information. Whatever you want to learn, there is something beneficial that you can get for free. All you have to do is put in the time and effort. At the same time, making a decision amid the vast sea of free books, websites, and courses available on the internet is challenging.

Today, I’ll show you five free Java programming courses that anyone may utilize to learn Java.

Also read: Top 5 React Free Courses Online : [Learn for Free]

Free Courses to Learn Java Programming

Without wasting any more of your time, I’ve compiled a list of the finest free online Java classes. I tried to offer a variety of courses, such as free courses on core Java, multithreading, object-oriented programming, and so on.

1. Java Tutorial for Complete Beginners 

Free Courses to Learn Java

On Udemy, one of the top and my favorite online learning platforms, this is perhaps the most popular free Java course. Many individuals are unaware that Udemy also offers free courses that are legal. I mean, they were given away for free by their instructor and designer for the purpose of education and marketing.

This course most likely has a first-mover advantage because more than 1.2 million individuals have enrolled in it to learn Java, which is a record, but the course quality is also quite strong.

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2.Object-Oriented Programming in Java 

Free Courses to Learn Java

This is a free intermediate Java course from Coursera, an online learning network that curates the best courses from the world’s leading institutions and companies like Google and IBM. If you have any programming expertise or a computer science background, you can take this free course to learn object-oriented programming.

This is actually a Coursera specialization which is nothing but a combination of courses and projects and offers certificates after successfully completing the course, assessments, and projects.

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3. Java for Absolute Beginners

Free Courses to Learn Java

This is another Java developer course for beginners. If you’re a computer science graduate or a programmer with a background in C, C++, or Python, you may use this course to quickly learn Java programming. 

Here are things you will learn in this free Java course:

  1. Data Types, Methods, and Classes in Java
  2. Object-Oriented Programming in Java
  3. Java Collections Frameworks
  4. Regular Expression in Java
  5. Java API for File IO and Networking.
  6. JUnit to test your Java code
  7. Using Maven to build your Java Projects

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4. Java Programming Basics

This is another beginner-level Java programming course for programmers or anyone interested in learning Java. It’s free and brief, so it’s ideal for beginners who want to acquire a quick overview before moving on to more detailed and tough courses.

If you’re new to programming and want to learn Java, this course will teach you both Java and the fundamentals of programming.

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5. Java Multithreading

Multithreading is a crucial aspect of Java programming, and it’s perhaps the most important feature that distinguishes a skilled Java developer from a mediocre Java developer.
Java developers who can write robust and concurrent programs are in high demand. They are also compensated well.

If you actually want to succeed in the Java world, multi-threading and concurrency is the one topic you must master, and this course will assist you in doing so for free.

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Also read: 5 Best Free Courses to learn Cloud Computing : [For Beginners]


That concludes a list of some of the best free Java programming tutorials for beginners. If you want to study Java, these courses will provide you with everything you need to become a Java expert. 

Which course are you choosing? Let me know in the comment section.



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