Pitching cold emails is harder than anything because of two reasons, firstly because you lack verbal feedback from the other side and secondly, you still don’t have a relationship with the audience. As a result, cold emails fail most times. 

But Wait!

Cold Emails can actually work and get replies. To make cold emails powerful, keeping them short, powerful and intriguing is the key. Short and impactful messages play a major role in making a connection with the leads. 

What are Cold Emails?

Cold emails are a way to connect with your potential clients and maintain a business relationship. The ultimate goal of a cold email is not to have an instant connection but to start building a business relationship with someone who was a stranger till now. 

Tips to Write an Effective Cold Email

As written by Shane Snow in his book Smartcuts, there is not much research needed for cold emails. He stated that he sent over 1000 cold emails but got no responses and so he tried sending emails with smaller content pieces and got much better results. Here we have listed some of the cold emailing tips along with his experience and pieces of advice from Adam Grant (Psychology Professor), Tim Ferriss, and Heather Morgan (entrepreneurs). 

cold emails

cold emails

A powerful cold email is loaded on five things. They are:

Start with a catchy subject

The email subject can be seen as a key to a lock. Prospect forms their first perception for us with the subject of the email. That’s why the subject line should be the first focused thing while writing a cold email. 

With a poorly written or a non-impactful subject line, they may decide to not open the email, or worse they may move it to the trash folder. So to avoid getting into the trash keep the below-mentioned tips in mind:

Think from a prospect’s point of view: Thinking like a prospect will help you to write a comparatively effective subject line. This way you will know what a prospect is expecting from the email. 

Personalize it: A subject line is a place to address them rather than just a place for self-promotion. A personalized subject line will assure them that you are not just a random sender or spammer but you have carefully planned to establish contact with them.

Intrigue them and stick to the matter of the email: Reflect upon their point of pain in the subject to make them engaged. Write in a manner that should convey the gist of the complete email in just a few words. 



Some good examples of cold email subject lines

The best ones we’ve come across at Woodpecker include:

  • {{FIRST_NAME}}}, there is a more efficient way to do X
  • I have an idea on how to improve your X
  • Have you thought about switching X?
  • Want to scale up X at {{COMPANY}}?


The message of the cold email should be tailored for the Recipient

Tailoring a cold email means that you have kept in mind the interests, and their requirements in mind rather than just sending generic content that is available in the Google search results. Make them think that you have an overview of them in your mind. Your tailored message should start with a clever introduction. It should refer to the receiver, their field of work, achievements, etc to catch their attention and make them read the entire content. 

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Validate yourself in your cold email

Until now, you are just a random stranger to the recipient. So it becomes important to make them realize that you are credible. The best way to do this is to have someone in common that you can mention in just a line. If you don’t have someone in common with them, then add your social media pages and website links so that they can recheck and trust you. 

Alleviate their pain points and provide them with what they want

While writing a cold email keep in mind that no one is going to read that until they have something in it that they can relate to. Remember that people will go much more to solve their pain points rather than going for pleasure points. 

Keep the content short, impactful and actionable

The opportunity to help a person comes only to a few people, if you have that opportunity make the most of it. One of the best ways for that is to keep things short and precise so that they don’t have to locate where in the email the main thing that they are looking for. Don’t just pitch to them, ask for a call to action, and encourage them to solve the issues they are facing. Once they can connect with you through your email, then the chances are maximum that you will get a response. 

End the cold email with a polished email signature

Often ignored, but the last thing is to end your email with a well-constructed and professional signature since it is also a major part of the email. It should tell the recipient more about you. It must have your contact details. 

After you send a cold email, there are chances that some people may miss reading it and that’s why they didn’t respond. So a follow-up email is of utmost importance.

Still, have doubts? Watch the video:

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