I don’t have to tell you, how important Machine learning is? It’s adapting by all big companies to improve their services. You have often seen that whatever product you search on different e-commerce sites, the ad for the same product start appearing on all the site you browse.

closeup photo of eyeglasses

This is something the majority of you all faced. It can be done with the help of machine learning. And companies pay well Machine Learning Engineer. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for machine learning engineers is 9,00,000/yr.

Now, it must excite you. But, the thing that will stop you is where you’ll be learning this skill to get a high-paying job. So, that’s what we’re going to talk about today. We’ll be telling you an opportunity to learn Machine learning from AWS with their certification at zero cost.

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About AWS Free Machine Learning Course

AWS Free Machine Learning Course

AWS (Amazon Web Services) has launched its Free Machine Learning Courses which you can enrol for free. This is named by “ Machine Learning Plan” which includes 12 courses in which you’ll be learning about Machine learning from basics to advanced.

You won’t believe but you’ll be getting 12 certificates by completing all 12 courses. It’ll be officially by AWS. You can use this certificate in your LinkedIn profile or resume to increase your chances to get hired.

AWS Free Machine Learning Course

This is the Course Structure that you’ll be learning throughout this course. If any one or two courses excite you then you can choose them and after completion, you’ll get a certificate for that particular course.

How to Enroll?

The steps to get enrollment in this course is very simple. You just have to follow the steps given below and you’ll be good to go.

  • Click the link given below.
  • After Clicking on the link, you’ll be redirected to the official page. There you’ll find a button called ”Enroll”. Click on that.
  • After clicking it, you’ll have to log in it with your Amazon account. Create New, ones if you don’t have one.
  • Then, Congrats you’re successfully Enrolled!

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Major Benefits of the Course:

  • In-depth, 28 hours Course.
  • Structural Learning.
  • Certificate of Completion.
  • Free.

These are the process and some major benefits of the course. In short, This AWS Free Machine Learning Course is a very valuable course that you should consider if you are serious or passionate about Machine Learning. Click the link below to Enroll in the course.

Enroll Now

Also read: AICTE Digital Skilling Initiative : [Free Courses & Internships]


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