UX design For Mobile Developers Free Courses By Google on Udacity Platform

The importance of UX (User Experience) cannot be overstated. Though it is frequently mistaken with User Interface, UI is only a small part of UX. This course is very useful to that android Developer who wants to learn UX  for Mobile App.

The purpose of this course is to teach you the most important and practical strategies and approaches utilized by renowned mobile UX designers. This course will not convert you into a designer, but it will assist you in incorporating design elements into your goods.

About this Course

This course is designed for developers who want to quickly master the most significant design techniques for creating better apps (with an emphasis on mobile/Android).

This is a mobile development UX design course for present (and aspiring) mobile developers. In this short course, you’ll step back from your IDE and dive into the techniques that great designers use to plan and prototype amazing apps before any code is written.

Free Approx. 6 Weeks Beginner


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Rich Learning ContentRich Learning Content

Interactive QuizzesInteractive Quizzes

Taught by Industry ProsTaught by Industry Pros

Self-Paced LearningSelf-Paced Learning

What is User Experience?
  • UI vs UX.
  • High-level planning.
  • Low-fi wireframing and prototyping.
User-Centered Design
  • The perils of ignoring your user.
  • How to create effective personas and use cases.
  • Low-cost user research.
Designing for Mobile Constraints
  • The 5 big constraints: limited data, finite battery, hand-held usage, divided user attention, and small screens.
  • The implications of these constraints and what happens when you get them wrong.
  • Advanced wireframing.
Designing for Android Delight
  • Android sensors.
  • The importance of contextual apps.
  • Android APIs (Google Play Services).
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