You’ve come to the correct site if you’re seeking ways to generate money online. This post will show you the top 7 ways that anyone may make money online. One of the best things about the internet is that it allows you to start your own business from the comfort of your own home. You may make money online with little more than an internet connection. Exploring the online world will release you from the monotony of a 9-to-5 desk job, giving you more time to travel, pursue hobbies, and spend time with your family.

Make Money Online

Another advantage is that there are numerous ways to make money online. To begin, all you need to do is find a lucrative niche market that is right for you. There’s no need to hire people, rent space, or buy pricey furniture after that (unless you want to).

5 Ways to Make Money Online

Make Money Online

Here is the list of ways for which you can make money online. The ways included in this list are completely genuine. And some of them are never discussed in our blog.

Also, we’re not only telling you the ways but also will be telling you the resources to learn these. So, our list starts with:

1. Selling E-books

Make Money Online

The traditional publishing world has taken a hit as a result of the internet. E-readers are all the rage these days. E-books account for roughly 20% of all book sales in the United States. The good news is that you don’t have to be a big-budget publisher to participate. You can sell ebooks straight from your own website as a solitary internet entrepreneur.

You can sell your own work or a piece that is in the public domain. Simply upload it to your website (or Amazon seller account) and begin marketing it on your social media platforms, email list, blog, and website, among other places.

Where to Learn?

So, we’ve found the best youtube video from which you can learn how you can earn by selling e-books. In this video by Aurelius Tjin, he has explained each and every step from creating e-books to selling them online and getting your first ever sale. 

He has taught everything regarding e-book selling. You’ll be learning how you can create your e-books and their cover. And also, the best platforms to sell these. 

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2. Develop Apps

Make Money Online

Apps are available for iPhones and Android devices, and everyone has one in their pocket. You won’t be able to compete with Pandora or Pinterest, but you may participate. Create an app that satisfies that requirement if you have a light bulb moment that solves a need that people have.

It may be a new way to save images or a way to arrange podcast downloads. If you’re not a programmer, don’t worry. You’re the one who comes up with the ideas. You can hire people to make it for you. You could definitely find someone on a site like Upwork, where programmers are accessible at moderate rates.

Of course, the exact price you’ll pay your developers is determined by the app’s complexity. You should design your app such that it works on both Android and iPhone handsets. As a result, you’ll be able to expand your customer base.

Where to learn?

Here, we’re with a free course by Udemy. In this course, you’ll be learning free android development from scratch. In these 11 hours of detailed content, you will learn everything regarding android development.

How good this course is, you can guess from the fact that five lakh students have taken this course. And also it has 4.4 Star ratings. If you’re a complete beginner then this course can be a good fit for you.

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3. Own A YouTube Channel

Make Money Online

Top YouTubers, including 5-year-olds, can earn millions of dollars each year. Take, for example, PewDiePie, who has amassed a fortune of over $15 million by streaming himself playing video games. To generate money on YouTube, though, you don’t need millions of visitors.

How-to videos, such as recipes, unboxing (when you open a product for viewers), cuisine and travel reviews, music videos, comedy skits, and so on are some examples of valuable films.

Another thing to note is that you do not need to appear in front of a camera to make money from YouTube videos. Many of the most popular YouTube channels are screen capture videos with software lessons or films where someone does something or does a voiceover without ever having to be on camera.

Where to learn?

After doing a lot of research, we’ve found the HubSpot youtube course. You just can’t even imagine how helpful and informative this course is. You will be learning about growing on youtube and earning money. 

After doing this course completely, you’ll definitely realize how they’re giving this knowledge-packed youtube course for free. You will learn about youtube as well! After implementing all the tactics discussed in this course, Hubspot itself saw a growth of 531% in its video views. You’re a sign-up away. Go ahead!

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Also read: Top 7 Google Certification Courses : [100% Free]

4. Blogging

Make Money Online

Traditional blogging is alive and well. You attract like-minded people interested in your specialized knowledge and items if you produce useful content on a regular basis. Your readers are compelled to keep reading in order to learn more and make a purchase.

Also, by continuously providing helpful information in the form of articles, videos, and other media, you make your site / online commerce appealing to Google. This leads to higher rankings in Google’s search engine, so you should hopefully appear on page one, as most people don’t look beyond page two.

There are numerous ways to monetize a blog and the traffic it generates. You can use your blog to market things as an affiliate, as well as your own products and services.

Where to learn?

This is the ultimate course on starting a blog. This ultimate course is by Marty from letsbuildwp. In this course, you’ll be learning everything starting your own blog. Of over 27K+ students enrolled in this course, this becomes the best free course on blogging out there.

This is a beginner-friendly course. If you’re a complete beginner at blogging then, you can surely check out this course.

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5. Affiliate Marketing

man in black and white floral long sleeve shirt sitting and showing something on a microsoft laptop to 2 women

Because all you have to do is promote the products, affiliate marketing is one of the quickest and easiest ways to start an internet business. You won’t have to create products, set up payment and delivery methods, or deal with customer service.

Simply send traffic to the companies you’re marketing as an affiliate, and if a transaction is made, you’ll be paid a commission for referring that sale.

Where to learn?

If you’re new to affiliate marketing, then this udemy free course on affiliate marketing is just for you. The instructor himself is doing affiliate marketing for 10 years now. He’s sharing all his knowledge and experience in order to get started in affiliate marketing even you don’t have any prior experience.

With over 60k+ Students & 4.5 starts rating, this is the best free course on an affiliate marketing course.

Go to course


So, here we’ve discussed the top 5 ways from which you can make money online. These are some of the best ways to get started. You’ll be amazed to know that many of the people are doing one of these full time for living. And also they’re making even $10,000 every single month.

Have you ever tried any of these methods? Let us know in the comments.


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