Whether you are just starting out, or have been taking pictures for a long time, learning about photography is something you do your whole life. This list of all the best free photography courses is for photographers who don’t even have a camera. They use all kinds of cameras like DSLR, point and shoot, and smartphones.

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If you’re at least a little bit interested in photography then the 7 best and free photography courses we’re going to tell you definitely help you to build a great and fascinating career in this beautiful field!

7 Best Free Online Photography Classes

Here we will discuss the best courses for photography in order to build a profitable career out of this. Our list starts with:


1. Beginners to Advanced: Alison Photography Courses – [Alsion.com]

free photography courses


  • Short, but thorough classes.
  • Wide range of information for all levels of photographers.
  • Downloadable resources for offline reference.


  • Classes are free (ad-supported), but certification requires a payment.
  • Registration is required to access free courses.
  • Only a handful of photography courses are offered.

Alison is an online learning destination. The courses they offer are for different levels of skill. For example, there are Introduction to Digital Photography, Diploma in Digital Photography, and Advanced Digital Photography courses. All these courses teach how to take different types of pictures with many skills involved. There are also options for digital, print, or framed certificates at the end of each course.

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2. Basic and Unusual Classes – [Udemy]

free photography courses


  • Each section of the course is divided into short videos, usually less than 10 minutes.
  • Free resources (like ebooks) are included with some courses.


    • Some courses are hidden behind a paywall.
    • The cost of courses that aren’t free can get very expensive.

      Udemy is a site that has classes about everything imaginable including photography. The Introductory Photography Course is one of the classes they have, but there are also other kinds of photography courses there too, like Green Screen Photography. You can also Learn Landscape Photography or how to get started in Street Photography at Udemy.

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      3. For Specialized Photography Courses: [Skillshare]


      • Classes that go beyond the basics of photography.
      • Resources and class projects help improve learned skills.
      • Message board community so you can connect with other photographers.


      • Some of the best courses are hidden behind a paywall.
      • Finding free classes can be challenging if you don’t have a direct link.

      You have probably heard of Skillshare in connection with other types of learning. But Skillshare also has a good selection of photography courses. Some are free and some of them are paid but you can access them all with the free trial. They actually have a wide range of photography courses to learn master the skill!

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      4. Unique Classes for Photographers: [CreativeLive]


      • A few interesting & unique classes.
      • Student Work area that allows students to upload their own photos based on the lesson.
      • Offers some mobile photography classes, as well as DSLR.


      • There don’t appear to be projects or assignments.
      • Even free classes require sign-up.
      • Some classes require a paid membership to access.

      If you are a beginner or intermediate photographer, you might want to check out CreativeLive. They have courses with live videos on the site every day. They also have classes that you can watch after they happen. For example, In Focus: Can We Be Objective Observers? teaches how to take photos without being too personal and In Focus: Starting a Personal Project helps to get your own photography project started.

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      5. For the New Newbie: Intro to Photography Class (r-photoclass)


      • Very thorough.
      • Course author, Alex Buisse, is a highly regarded, award-winning photographer.
      • Lots of illustrations to help students understand the point of the lesson.


      • No video, which for some students is a better way to learn.
      • The class doesn’t appear to be repeated live any longer.

      If you want to learn photography, start here. This class is one of the best ones for beginners. It teaches you everything that is important about photography, and it was created in response to a request on Reddit by someone who wanted help with their photos. The live version of this course happened through the r/photoclass subreddit, but it hasn’t been done in a long time.

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      6. Another Beyond-the-Basics: Lectures on Digital Photography


      • Lessons help you really understand what works in photography, and way.
      • Review and discussion of famous historical photographers.
      • Includes assignments and applets to increase learning.


      • The course is no longer active or maintained, so there is no feedback on completed assignments.

      This course from Stanford University is about digital photography. It goes beyond the basics to show students how to use optical effects in nature, depth and perspective, sampling and noise, and more. Marc Levoy who has taught at Stanford University for many years will teach you these things too. The subject matter can get deep into the computational side of photography.

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      7. Single Focus: Professional Family Portraits


      • The course layout is easily accessible.
      • Single skill focus allows for in-depth learning.
      • Portrait photography equipment cheat sheet.


      • You have to register (free) for the Bluprint site to access the course.
      • There’s a projects area, but no written instructions for the project.

      If you are interested in portrait photography, then take Kirk Tuck’s free class on Bluprint. The course will focus on how to capture great portraits. You will learn about everything from lighting and posing subjects to post-processing tips that make portraits pop.

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      Here’s a list of the top 7 free photography courses that will help you learn more about this art and how it can be used to create stunning images. So all you need is your laptop or mobile phone with an internet connection to get started! Start exploring these great resources today and find out if one appeals to you as much as we do. Who knows?  Try to find out which course can help you the most. Maybe there’s something here for everyone who wants to improve their photography skills in 2022!


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