Regardless of your field of industry, expertise, or profession, a fundamental understanding of the principles and practices surrounding artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and cognitive systems is going to become increasingly valuable.

Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

Fortunately, you no longer need to devote years of your life to studying at a university to become familiar with this apparently complex technology. In recent years, an increasing number of online courses have emerged, covering everything from the fundamentals to advanced implementation.

So, today in this article we’re going to tell you about the free  Artificial Intelligence Courses. These are absolutely free which means you don’t have to pay any money for these courses.

5 Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

1. Learn with Google AI

Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

This newly created resource is part of Google’s goal to increase public awareness of artificial intelligence. There is already a crash course on Machine Learning with TensorFlow (Google’s machine learning library).

From a basic introduction to machine learning and AI to getting started with TensorFlow to creating and training neural nets, this course covers it all. We’ve already talked about specifically machine learning courses.

It’s intended so that those with no prior understanding of machine learning can jump right in, those with some expertise may pick and choose courses that interest them, and machine learning specialists can use it as a TensorFlow introduction.

Why consider this course?

  • Learn from Google.
  • All topics are explained in detail.
  • Engaging Instructors.
  • Absolutely free.

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2. Elements of AI – Helsinki University

Free Artificial Intelligence Courses

This is an introductory course for anyone interested in learning what artificial intelligence (AI) is, how it affects people.

It contains practical exercises and demonstrates an in-depth understanding of those subjects. Originally available only in Finland (and in Finnish) as part of the government’s AI education initiative, the rest of the world are getting the benefit of this course by last year.

Why consider this course?

  • Amazing Interface!
  • 2 Courses are included in one.
  • Explained through animations.
  • Absolutely free.

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3. Intro to Artificial Intelligence – Udacity

This course begins with the basics of statistics and logic before moving on to more applicable, specific applications of AI, such as robotics, computer vision, and natural language processing.

It is taught by Peter Norvig and Sebastian Thrun, two seasoned AI researchers and is expected to take four months to complete.

Why consider this course?

  • 4 months in-depth course.
  • Beginner Friendly.
  • Interactive Quizzes.
  • Self-Paced Learning.

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4. AI for Everyone – (Coursera)

An Andrew Ng course, this one geared at those who don’t need a deep technical understanding of the subject but want to start exploiting AI in their businesses or roll out AI initiatives while working with non-technical teams.

It goes through the process of operating AI projects as well as how to plan for AI deployments in the workplace.

Why consider this course?

  • Beginner Level Course.
  • 12hours in the detailed course.
  • Subtitles Available.
  • Taught by Topmost Instructor.

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5. Learning From Data (Introductory Machine Learning)

This course begins with theoretical ideas such as “what is learning?” and “can computers learn?” and progresses to advanced practical applications such as developing machine learning algorithms for neural networks. 

All of the materials are free, however, you can pay $50 for official certification at the end, as with many of the courses mentioned here.

Why consider this course?

  • Introductory Level Course.
  • Absolutely Free!
  • 10 weeks program.
  • Taught by Topmost Instructor.

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Congratulations, you’ve completed the article. So, we really hope you have liked the article and consider sharing it on different social media. Now, choose one course which you liked the most and follow it till the very last. There is a lot of learning from different courses that we’ve included here. Best of luck from team fzfact 🙂



Categories: Free Courses


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