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7 Most Common Job Interview Questions and Answers : [Get hired Today!]

This is a list of seven common interview questions. We looked at the question from both the perspective of an employer and a job seeker. Short hints tell you what employers want to find out, and how to answer them. Have fun reading!

The main reason why we’re writing this is that many of the people do not get any job even though they have the right skills. The reason behind this is they’re not able to crack the interview. We’ve tried to solve this problem here. find the most common job interview questions below:

7 Most Common Job Interview Questions

So, Here we’re mentioning only the most common job interview question. That means you can get asked this type of question in your interview, not the same. The very first question is:

Question no. 1: Can you tell me something about yourself?

This is the first question that the interviewer asks. It helps them to know you better, like how you can communicate or what your interests are. The interviewer does not ask about your education or experience. They want to know who you are as a person.

However, your choice reflects what matters to you. In a job interview, talk about your education, working experience, career goals, and skills. It is important to mention things that are relevant for the employer. You can also mention one or two hobbies from your personal life – this will show that you have a life outside of work as well as at work. This is the first question in our “Most Common Job Interview Questions” list.

Hi, I am James. I finished my Master’s in Marketing and I want to start a job. Ideally, I want to work in a big company and learn and meet people like me. In my free time, I like to run, read, and meet with friends. So that we can be positive about life.

Also read: 10 Resume Writing Tips To Get your first Job – [Updated]

Question no. 2: Why did you apply for this job?

Motivation is important when interviewing for a job. You may be motivated by money or graduation from that field. You might just need a job and not care which one you get. Your goal is to convince the employer that you want this particular position and have a good reason for picking them over another company that would offer the same position. In short, you’ve to show that you’re built for this job.

Before the interview, you should research the company. You will want to learn about their working environment, what they sell and how people like it, and what they think is important. Try to find something that is not just about your job in the company but also something you can agree with.

I am very interested in this job and think I can be a good fit. I have the right education and would like to work here.


I live ten minutes away from your store. I like the way you deal with customers, and I would like to be a part of your team. There are many reasons why I want to work here, including that this store is organized well and I have a good feeling about it.

Question no. 3: Why did you leave your last job? / Why are you planning to leave your present job?

Changing jobs is normal. But, employers want to know why you are changing your job. They will try to understand how you work by asking questions like- do you look for good things, or do you look for bad things in a job? Do you demand a lot from your colleagues or is it just yourself?

Regardless of your past experience, you should focus on the good things. You can say nice things about your former employers even if they fired you for no real reason. Nobody wants to hire someone who complains about everything.

I had my job for four years in a restaurant. I enjoyed it. It was fun to work with my coworkers, and I helped the guests enjoy themselves. But then I changed jobs because the job became repetitive and I felt like I was not learning new things anymore. That is why I am here today.


I was fired because I disagreed with the director of the company. We had different opinions about how things should be done. Maybe he was right, maybe I was—only time will tell. But now I am looking for a new job so that my company can prosper.

Question no. 4: Can you tell me something about your education?

A degree has never made a good employee. But HR managers ask about your past education because they want to know how you learn. You should focus on the skills that will help you at your new job.

It’s more important what you can do than which school you went to. If you went to Harvard or Cambridge, it is okay to mention that too!

I studied at ABC University. I learned about statistics, project management and accounting, and many other subjects. I took part in projects and competitions we had at school. I think that my education and internship which followed prepared me for a job in your company.

Question no. 5: Can you tell us something about your working experience?

Employers can read about your experience on your resume. But they want to know more. They want you to tell them about how you work and why you are the right person for the job. Pick one or two experiences that are most relevant to this job, and then tell them what you did, what you learned, and why it is important for this job.

If you had a job in the past that was not related to your new job, you can say that it helped make you better at work. You can also say it helped prepare you for any job.

I have only worked at Walmart. I learned a lot there. I learned how to talk to customers and work with other people. It is not an easy job, but I do not complain because it pays well most days. I hope to get a better-paying job and also learn something new again in the future!

Question no. 6: Why should we hire you (and not someone else)?

Someone hires you and they will pay you a monthly salary. If they hire an HR manager, they want to know if you are worth the money and if it will be a good investment or not.

This is one of the hardest questions to answer. You should focus on something you have that the company needs. Look at other people’s answers for inspiration. And if you can’t think of a special thing, list your skills and abilities so they know why you are a good candidate for the job.

I had the same job as one of your competitors. I can help you by telling you about things they did better than you. I also want to tell you how my experience will help improve your own results.

Question no. 7: What are your strengths?

Interviewers are supposed to find out what is good about you. They get paid for this. But sometimes someone who is interviewing may not have experience with interviewing people for the job. If the interviewer asks, it makes sense to answer their question about your strengths.

Pick strengths that are relevant to the job. If possible, give an example of how you showed these strengths in your career.

I love to talk to people and I do understand them. I have a lot of empathy which helped me in my volunteer experience at a nursing home. This strength has helped me in my career as a social worker. Responsibility is one of my strengths, and it has never happened that I came late for work or that I did not finish my tasks on time.


We hope the list of the 7 most common job interview questions has been helpful to you. These are some basic and straightforward questions that can be used as a starting point for your research before an upcoming interview, or just as a refresher on what may come up in one. In many cases it’s not simply about having the right answer but also how confidently you deliver it – so practice these answers out loud with family members or friends ahead of time if possible! Happy reading 🙂




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