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Top 23 Computer Science Courses : [100% free]

Demand for the best computer science courses is always high. Now, more than ever, Let’s look at a list of some of the best computer courses you can take right now. Before we get into the root of the matter, let’s take a look back at how it all began and where it’s going.

The field of computer programming is constantly changing. No computer science students would have predicted that machine learning would get to the point where it would be used in ordinary people’s homes 20 years ago. Machine learning has become a prominent issue in the computer sector during the last five years, and many companies are hiring data scientists and machine learning experts to design and protect their systems.

Top 23 Computer Science Courses

Here are some of the most popular computer science courses now available in the tech industry, which students may consider pursuing if they want to learn to program online:

1. Introduction To Python Programming

This “quick and easy introduction” is an excellent tutorial for those who want to learn Python programming from the ground up. You will not obtain a certificate of accomplishment, despite the fact that it is free and takes less than two hours to complete.

You will learn how to write scripts and functions even if you have no prior programming experience. The course, which comprises 15 video lectures lasting five to ten minutes each, is presented by Avinash Jain, a U.C. Berkeley student who founded TheCodex teaching platform. This is the first on our list of “computer science courses”.

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2. R Programming for Beginners

The R programming language is a unique programming language that is extremely useful in data science. The R programming language allows you to work with large amounts of data, create packages, and create your own data visualizations.

You will learn about R, the development processes used to construct these tools, and how to make R operate in a team-based setting in most online programming courses about R.

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3. Introduction to Java Programming

If you took computer classes in high school, you’re probably familiar with Java. Java is consistently one of the most popular computer programming courses in India, and it is the very basic software that allows students to gain an understanding of the complicated world of programming.

You should be able to gain core abilities essential for any software engineer using online Java computer programming classes, which involve addressing real-world problems, inventing alternative algorithms, and debugging.

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4. Full Stack developer

In today’s day and age, the demand for Full Stack Developers is increasing. A full-stack developer is someone who works on both the backend and the frontend of a website or app. HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, MySQL, and so much more would be covered in a Full Stack Developer course.

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5. Introduction to JavaScript

If you don’t want to be a full-stack web developer but still want to work on the web, you might need to start with JavaScript. It’s critical to understand how JavaScript works and the underlying concepts that underpin it.

Closures, IIFEs, prototypal inheritances, and other concepts will be covered in this course. It will also assist you in debugging your project from the comfort of your own home. You’ll be able to decipher the JavaScript source code of frameworks and create your own JavaScript library or framework.

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6. Angular for Beginner’s Course

You must learn Angular 6 if you want to step up your game and create reactive and fantastic online applications. Angular 6 is the successor to the once-popular Angular.js, and it will teach you about directives, components, routing, and HTTP access, among other things.

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7. Redux and React

Redux and React are two significant areas in which any app developer should focus. Make Redux and React your friends if you want to build your own app or work for a firm that wants to build an app.

After taking a React and Redux course, you’ll be able to learn how to create a variety of apps using Webpack, ES6, and NPM. It will teach you the fundamentals of React component development as well as the various Redux structure-based apps.

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8. Android Development

Are you one of those people that gets excited when new apps appear in their Google Play feeds? Do you want to learn how to create an app like this on your own? Then you may begin your adventure by learning how to create Android apps.

You may create your own Android app, similar to WhatsApp or Uber, by mastering Android app development. You’ll learn how to sell your app effortlessly on the internet in online programming classes for Android App development.

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9. iOS Swift Developer

The majority of people are aware that Android and iOS use different systems and, as a result, have different approaches to app creation. If you’re an Apple enthusiast and want to create apps for iOS, you’ll need Swift 4 and Xcode 9 to create apps that use ARKit and CoreML.

Mastering Swift 4 and Xcode 9 will allow you to work as a professional iOS developer. You can develop apps for businesses or work as a freelancer taking on development assignments.

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10. Node.js Developer

Node.js is a good place to start if you want to construct real-world network-based apps. You’ll be able to design, test, and finally deploy fantastic real-time production apps if you master Express, MongoDB, Mocha, and other similar software.

Before you can move on to being a professional Node developer, you must first understand these platforms. Node is a large field with a lot of obstacles to overcome. Node.js courses will help you overcome these challenges and improve your Node.js skills.

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11. Cyber Security Course

The internet is accessible through most computers, mobile phones, and other “smart” devices. When it comes to the internet, there is always the possibility of harm – from malware and viruses to remote hacker attacks.

Learning how to protect your desktops, laptops, and smart devices from threats like viruses, security thieves, hackers, and trackers, among others, is a very useful skill. You can become a Cybersecurity expert on a variety of operating systems, including macOS, Linus, iOS, Android, and Windows.

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12. CS50’s Introduction to Computer Science

MIT and Harvard University have collaborated to create edX, which offers free college-level online courses. Not only are the classes free, but the organization as a whole is non-profit as well. As a result, you may rest assured that you will not be exploited for personal gain.

Weekly or self-paced courses are available on edX. Subjects cover the whole spectrum of topics found at any accredited university, with a significant emphasis on Computer Science, Engineering, and Business & Management. For your convenience, they’ve been grouped into three levels: introductory, intermediate, and advanced.

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13. Python for everybody

Stanford University and private capitalists have supported Coursera, a free online education platform. Coursera works with a number of colleges and organizations to deliver its courses, and it makes money through its Certificate programs.

Coursera focuses on Specializations, which are collections of courses designed to improve your knowledge of a specific field but aren’t extensive enough to be considered a full program. Basic Data Structures, Basic Algorithms, Graph Algorithms, String Algorithms, Advanced Algorithms, and Genome Assembly, for example, are all covered in the six-course specialization “Data Structures and Algorithms.” There’s just as much variation in coding for beginners, whether you’re interested in software engineering or data science as a future career.

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14. Introduction to Python Programming

Udacity is another online education platform, however, unlike MIT OpenCourseWare, edX, and Coursera, it concentrates solely on programming, data science, and engineering topics. There is no math, no social sciences, and no humanities. It’s all about technology, and we think it’s for the better.

This course of ” Introduction of python programming” will help you to learn the fundamentals and basics of python programming. We’ve already prepared a list of different python courses for free.

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15. Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Using Python

This is the first installment in a two-part series on computational thinking, programming, and computer and data science. Students should be able to leave with a grasp of how to reason computationally and develop programs to solve issues even if they have no prior expertise with computer science or programming.

The class covers Python, simple algorithms, testing, debugging, data structures, and an informal introduction to algorithm complexity, with a focus on breadth rather than depth.

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16. CS50’s Web Programming with Python and JavaScript

This session focuses on database architecture, scalability, security, and user experience using the popular programming languages Python and JavaScript, and is intended for students who have completed the beginning CS50 course.

It includes a variety of hands-on projects that teach students how to use APIs, interactive UIs, GitHub, Heroku, and other tools so that they are better prepared to design Internet apps when they finish the course.

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Learn about the creation of interactive 2D and 3D games. Students learn about the creation of popular games like Super Mario Bros., Pokémon, Angry Birds, and more through lectures and hands-on projects.

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18. CS50’s Computer Science for Business Professionals

This course is for business professionals such as managers, product managers, founders, and decision-makers who need to make technological decisions but aren’t technically savvy.

Unlike CS50, which takes a bottom-up strategy, this course takes a top-down approach, focusing on mastering high-level ideas and making associated judgments. Computational thinking and web development are two of the topics covered.

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19. Computer Vision Basics

The fundamentals of computer vision are covered in this course: digital signal processing, neurobiology, and artificial intelligence. Color, light, image generation; early, mid, and high-level vision; and computer vision mathematics are among the topics covered.

It’ll be useful for anyone who wants to learn more about computer vision or who needs a refresher on the mathematical concepts of computer vision. Learners should have fundamental programming abilities and experience, particularly in MATLAB, as well as knowledge of basic linear algebra, 3D coordinate systems and transformations, basic calculus, and basic probability.

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