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3 Free Android App Development Courses to Learn : [For Beginners]

Interested in learning how to develop Android apps or about android development? You have come across the right place. We’re going to tell you the best & free Android App Development Courses. With the introduction of new languages like Kotlin, it’s easier than ever before for developers to learn about creating apps on their own time (and save money!).

But, ever since Google has announced Kotlin as the official language for Android app development, which means you can use either Kotlin or Java to create Android apps.

It’s hard to believe, but with Android, you can be sure that your business will reach more people than ever before. Android has a lot of potentials and can open up many opportunities for those who have the skills. You may not only impact people’s lives but also earn money with apps that are your own, whether it be in Fortune 500 companies or freelancing part-time as an entrepreneur.

In this century, if you want to become a programmer for the mobile and web development industries then it’s essential that not only do they know these two skills but can also work with them. There will always be demand-high opportunities in both sectors of work so your career should never lack employment or projects!

3 FREE Courses to Learn Android in 2022

These courses will help you master the Android programming language and develop your skills to create better apps. No matter what stage of development an app developer is in, these tutorials provide a foundation for learning about Java or Kotlin so they can build more sophisticated programs with ease!

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1. Learn Android Application Development

If you are thinking about starting to develop your own mobile application for Android, then this course is perfect. It provides over 27 hours of content with comprehensive tutorials on how to create an app from scratch and teaches Java programming too!

You will have a thorough understanding of how to program in Java and then set up your environment for Android development by downloading and installing the latest version from Google’s website.

You’ll learn how to create an Android app, debug it and make sure that your signed APK file is ready for submission on Google Play Store.

This course has been trusted by more than 218, 000 students and includes 26+ hours of content. A perfect option for those who want to learn how to develop apps on Android using Java programming language!

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2. Become an Android Developer from Scratch

If you are looking for an engaging, comprehensive course on Android then look into this one. With more than 3,41,000 students already enrolled and positively reviewed by those who have taken it; there’s no better way to learn about programming languages like Java or Kotlin!

It’s not just a short 30 minutes course but contains more than 11.5 hours of quality material to teach you Android.

The course is also very hands-on; you will learn to set up your own development environment using Android Studio and create, run, debug an application on both Emulator and device.

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3. Android Fundamentals: Ultimate Tutorial for App Development

This is another great free course on learning Android, the best part of this course is that it’s structured nicely to cover essential concepts.

It’s also more up-to-date and covers a practical aspect of Android development like tips to make your App more professional, how to monetize your apps, and prepare yourself for Android Job Interviews.

This free course will teach you everything from the very basics all throughout intermediate and advanced topics in Android development. Whether intend to find a job as an Android programmer or create your own app for entrepreneurial purposes, this is one of those courses that are excellent at teaching new technicians how they can make their mark in such a competitive industry!

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Bonus: Android Development Course in [Hindi]

If you want to learn in Hindi, check out these amazing Free courses


In this blog post, we have shared 3 free Android app development courses with you. We hope that these resources will help to guide your journey as a future mobile developer and provide some helpful insight into the world of developing for this platform. Don’t forget to share your experience with us by dropping a comment.

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