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Top 23 Best Online Free Courses | That can boost your Career | 2021

23 best free courses

Hello readers, I extend you a very warm welcome to my post. Hope you guys are having a fine day. So this article is directed to those of you guys who are looking to pursue some of the top free courses.

These are very enticing times, as companies are looking for more skills in every individual for selection. So you need to be well prepared with as many as possible courses you can do. The plus point in these courses is that these are fully free courses. You will also not burn a hole in your pocket when opting for them.

Hopefully, these courses will help you in sharpening your skills like never before.

The Top 21 Free Courses Are As Follows:-


1. Inbound Marketing Course by HubSpot Academy

This course from HubSpot Academy is one of the very important courses nowadays to learn. In this course, you will learn about inbound marketing techniques and Develop an understanding of core tactics of inbound marketing and advance your skills as an inbound marketer.

Level: Beginner

Duration:  4.2 Hours /  8 Lessons & 34 Videos

  2.  Marketing Fundamentals from EdX

This course from EdX is based upon the core fundamentals of marketing. The course is for 4 weeks and has a study session of 4-6 hours per week. It emphasizes on order to compete in an ever-changing markettrade pioneers must evaluate and react to shopper needs and needs.

You will learn how divisionfocusing on, and situating strategies can be utilized to procure customers How to utilize the showcasing blenditemcostadvancement, and place. Consumer behavior and how you’ll be able to use showcase information to develop your business. You can access this course from here.


  3. Content Marketing Course from HubSpot Academy

This course from HubSpot academy will teach you to learn a content creation system for creating successful content on a reliable basis. Creating and repurposing content that is both people and searches engine-friendly.  You will also become a more grounded, leaner, and more vital substance marketer. Access the course from here.

  4. Video marketing course by HubSpot Academy

In this course you learn how to create a video marketing strategy for your business that attracts, engages, and delights your audience. Online video is a powerful medium, one that has grown in popularity over the past several years, both with search engines and people. You will also learn how to create an effective video marketing strategy that improves your content marketing efforts.

By the end of this course, you’ll be able to craft a video marketing strategy that solves for every stage of the buyer’s journey, understand various online video types to fuel your video marketing efforts, produce a video from start to finish and measure and analyze your video marketing efforts. Access the course from here.

 5. Sales Management Training from HubSpot Academy

If you are a modern deals director or considering approximately getting to be a supervisor, this certification course is for you! In it, you’ll learn how to characterize your target showcasemake a versatile deals handle, and construct preparing, coaching, hiring, and onboarding programs to assist your deals group to develop better. Go through the course from here.

  6. Social Media Course by HubSpot Academy

The Social Media Certification will assist you to shape the discussion around your tradeconstruct dependability, and pull in modern clients and accomplices; it’s the as it were social media preparing you’ll ever require.

Building a successful social media procedure will grow all of your other inbound promoting endeavors as well as construct brand mindfulness, drive word of mouth, and draw in buyers. In other words, social media is the extreme way to do inbound promoting. To know more about the course, click here.


[English Language]

  7. English for Career development by Coursera

This course is planned for non-native English speakers who are fascinated by progressing their careers within the worldwide commercial center. In this course, you may learn around the work look, application, and meet handle within the Joined together States, whereas comparing and differentiating the same handle in your domestic nation.

This course will grant you the opportunity to investigate your worldwide career waywhereas building your lexicon and moving forward your dialect aptitudes to attain your proficient objectives. Enroll in the course from here.

8. Conquering the fear of public speaking by Udemy

This course is implied to educate one thing – and one thing alone. How to induce over the fear of talking in open! How to handle the anxiety that comes over once you approach the organization or stand before gathering of people. That’s it. This could be a centered article on the different strategies one can embrace to bargain with organize fear successfully.

This course will not bargain with, cover, or expand on any other strategy or angle of open speaking. With cognizant and steady hone, it is conceivable to overcome the fear of open talking. It is conceivable to go from a fair speaker to a magnificent speaker in a brief sum of time. This is one of the best free courses available online as it will help you to overcome your immense fear. Access the course from here.

9. Communication skills from Alison

Solid communication abilities can make life less demandingawe managers, and progress your efficiency. This course will present you to the fundamental communication abilities that help influence, will direct you through the contrasts between influence and control, and will appear you how to utilize solid communication to spur the individuals around you. These capacities will be an extraordinary boost for both your career and your connections. The course is available here.


10. Learning to Program from Coursera

Behind each mouse tap and touch-screen tap, there’s a computer program that produces things that happen. This course presents the basic building pieces of programming and instructs you how to type in fun and valuable programs utilizing the Python dialect. Programming is a necessity in any IT sector job nowadays so this course will keep you in good hands. Access this course from here.

11. Intro to HTML and CSS from Udacity

In this course, you will learn almost the fundamental structure of the net – HTML. You’ll learn how to use this tree-like structure to form websites. Moreover, learn how to apply styling to an online site through CSS. You will also learn approximately CSS language structure, selectors, and units. Along the way, you’ll moreover learn almost code editors and a browser’s Designer Devices. You can get the link to this course by clicking here.

12. Machine learning by Coursera

In this lessonyou may learn almost the most successful machine learning procedures, and pick up hone actualizing them and getting them to work for yourself. More vitally, you’ll learn around not as it were the hypothetical underpinnings of learning, but to pick up the viable know-how required to rapidly and capably apply these methods to unused issues

At last, you’ll learn around some of Silicon Valley’s best hones in advancement because it relates to machine learning and AI. This course gives a wide presentation to machine learning, data mining, and measurable design acknowledgment. Go through the free courses from here.

13. Algorithms (1) by Coursera

This course covers the basic data that each genuine software engineer must know approximately calculations and information structures, with accentuation on applications and logical execution examination of Java usage. The portion I cover rudimentary information structures, sorting, and looking calculationsPortion II centers on the chart– and string-processing calculations. This is one of the coolest free courses available online.

14. Algorithms (2) by Coursera

This course covers the basic data that each genuine software engineer has to know around calculations and information structures, with accentuation on applications and logical execution examination of Java usage. The portion covers basic information structures, sorting, and looking calculationsPortion II centers on a chart– and string-processing calculation. You however would not get a certificate for completing this course.

15. Programming with a Purpose by Coursera

This course covers the primary half of the book Computer Science: An Intrigue Approach. The expectation is to educate programming to those who need or need to memorize it, in a logical setting.  Another, we turn to capacitiespresenting key concepts such as recursion, secluded programming, and code reuse.

 At that point, we show a present-day presentation to object-oriented programming. We utilize the Java programming dialect and educate essential aptitudes for computational issue tackling that are appropriate in many modern computing situations. You can get access to this course from here.

  16. Google Analytics for Beginners

Google Analytics for Beginners appears modern clients how to make an account, actualize following code, and set up information channels. You’ll learn how to explore the Google Analytics interface and reports, and set up dashboards and alternate routes.  The course will illustrate how to analyze essential Groups of onlookersProcurement, and Behavior reports, and set up objectives and campaign following. You can go to this course form here.

   17. Introduction to C & C++ by MIT OpenCourseWare

This four-week course gives a fast-paced presentation to C and C++ programming dialects. You’ll learn the specified foundation informationcounting memory administration, pointers, object-oriented programming, and how to discover bugs once you unavoidably utilize any of those erroneously.


[Stock Market]

18. Stock market guidance by Udemy

This course is all almost presenting you to the energizing world of the stock showcase, taking you from the exceptionally establishments of “What could be a stock?” to educating you on almost diverse contributing techniques, like Crucial and Specialized investigation

By the conclusion of the course, you’ll get a certificate appearing you effectively wrapped up. The course is planned to provide you a strong presence of the markets and their ins and outs. Click here for the course.


19. Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies from Coursera

How does Bitcoin work? What makes Bitcoin diverse? How secure are your Bitcoins? How mysterious are Bitcoin clients? What decides the cost of Bitcoins? Can cryptocurrencies be directed? What might long-standing time hold? After this course, you’ll know everything you wish to be able to isolated reality from fiction when perusing claims almost Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

You’ll have the conceptual establishments you would like to design a secure computer program that interatomic with the Bitcoin organize. And you’ll be able to coordinated thoughts from Bitcoin in your claim projects. It is among the top free courses to pursue right now in the whole world. Go through the course from here.


 20. Cryptography by Coursera

Cryptography is an irreplaceable device for ensuring data in computer frameworks. In this course, you may learn the internal workings of cryptographic frameworks and how to accurately utilize them in real-world applications. 

Throughout the course, members will be uncovered to many exciting open issues within the field and work on fun (discretionary) programming projects. They are also going to cover more progressed cryptographic assignments such as zero-knowledge, security components, and other shapes of encryption. Access the course from here.

   21. How to build a startup by Udacity

The most thought in this course is learning how to quickly create and test thoughts by gathering gigantic sums of client and commercial center inputNumerous new companies come up short by not approving their thoughts early on with real-life clients.

Building a startup isn’t essentially building an execution arrange for a trade demonstrate that the business visionary considers will work, but or maybe, a seek for the real commerce show itself. The course is present here.

  21. Introduction to Food and Health by Coursera

In this course, learners will be given the data and viable abilities they ought to start optimizing the way they eat. This course will move the center absent from reductionist dialogs approximately supplements and move, instep, towards viable dialogs around genuine nourishment and the environment in which we expend it.

 In expansionwe are going show a compelling method of reasoning for a return to basic domestic cooking, an indispensable portion of our endeavors to live longer, more advantageous lives. The course is available here.

  • Level- Beginner 
  • Duration- 7 hours

   23. Learn Adobe Illustrator from Scratch by Udemy

This course to begin with instructs you fundamental Artist strategiesat that point advances on to more progressed themes such as sorts and boards, colors and designs, and viewpoint and robotization.


We hope that you are satisfied with this article and find your favored course here. If you do any of these free courses, be sure that it will boost your CV to greater heights.  

Also, read! – Top 5 personal development free courses

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